This page outlines the various elements that make up infrastructure planning in Havering.
Havering Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Most new development has an impact on infrastructure.
By definition, if you are proposing a new development, you can expect that development to have social and environmental impacts.
Therefore, you will be expected to make a contribution to the provision of the infrastructure necessary to support new development.
This can be by way of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or through separate S106 agreements.
Under the provisions of the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations, we are obliged to produce our own Charging Schedule (CS), which sets out the rates relating to types of development across the borough.
By law, the CS is scrutinised through an Examination in Public (EiP), overseen by an independent examiner.
This ensures the rates proposed have been tested and deemed fair and reasonable. LB Havering has done this and its CS has been approved and is an active document.
We will review and renew our CS, as and when necessary.
Havering Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
Infrastructure refers to the services and facilities that an area needs.
The Havering Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) aims to support our policies, vision and objectives, accommodating growth identified within our emerging Havering Local Plan.
The IDP identifies gaps in infrastructure and provides evidence on how future infrastructure needs will be met, including an indication on what the costs for those things might be.
It is also used to inform decisions on how planning obligations income, such as S106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), will be spent.
It is an iterative document and is always evolving and will be updated regularly to allow for positive delivery outcomes and the changing needs of the borough.
The IDP also informed the production of our existing Havering Charging Schedule and will also inform any future new schedule.
The IDP is currently being reviewed and a new version is expected before the end of 2021. You can keep updated on progress through this webpage.
Havering Infrastructure Planning Delivery Partners
The Infrastructure Planning Team, not only works closely with internal colleagues and councillors but has also established key relationships with the NHS, TfL, GLA and utilities providers – in the interests of positive infrastructure planning and delivery.
The team intends to maintain these relationships and also work on new relationships with community groups and the development industry.
Havering Infrastructure Planning Map
The Infrastructure Planning Team are working on an infrastructure map of the borough.
This map will help illustrate where infrastructure has been delivered, is planned to be delivered and where gaps in provision might be.
It will also enable us to better plan for potential synergies, co-locating services in certain areas of the borough, for example.
This map is at the very early stages of evolution and we will keep you updated via this page.
Havering Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)
In connection with the 2019 amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations, a new requirement has been added requiring charging authorities to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS).
An IFS is required to set out the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that an authority intends to fund, either wholly or partly, by CIL or planning obligations.
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