Section 106 planning obligations

Section 106 agreements, otherwise known as ‘planning obligations', are legally binding agreements that the Council makes with developers in connection with planning permissions.

Agreements contain obligations, either financial or non-financial, which are necessary to offset or mitigate the impacts caused by development in order to make the development acceptable in planning terms.

We assess all planning applications for proposed developments on a case by case basis to determine the level of impact of the proposed development.

The requirements of planning obligations will vary according to the size, impact and nature of the proposed development and many developments will not require obligations.

Updated SPG guidance will be available soon.

Section 106 (S106) agreements

Every S106 agreement is attached to a specific planning permission. You can carry out a search by site address or planning application number on our online planning register.

S106 payments

It is the applicant's responsibility to make payments when they are due and to ensure that they are paid on time.  

Our preferred payment method is by BACS.

All payments must have a reference that includes both the planning application reference number and site address.

S106 monitoring fees

We have set fees to cover the cost of monitoring S106 obligations to ensure all obligations are correctly adhered to.

The S106 monitoring fees will be payable on completion of a S106 agreement.

Discharge of S106 obligations

Some S106 obligations, such as those which require payment of a contribution or delivery of on-site infrastructure, can be discharged once payment has been received by us or the infrastructure has been delivered to the satisfaction of the Council.

If you wish to confirm that all or some S106 obligations have been discharged for a development you can make an application to the Council.

A link to the online application form is coming soon.

Please note there is a fee for the application and each application can only cover one planning permission, plus any associate subsequent S73 permissions.

See the S106 monitoring fees document in our fees section for the full details.

S106 expenditure

We publish an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which sets out the detail of all S106 expenditure.

Got an enquiry?

S106 enquiry form

Email and we'll get back to you.