Mental health

If you are having problems with mental health, then you are not alone.

One in four of us will have problems with our mental health at some time in our lives.

In Havering, 1 in 6 adults have a common mental health condition (any type of depression or anxiety).

Why is your mental health important?

Good mental health can promote productivity and effectiveness in activities like work, school or caregiving. It plays an important part in the health of your relationships, and allows you to adapt to changes in your life and cope with adversity.

Mental Health Services in Havering

Getting urgent help

If you need urgent help because you are worried that you might harm yourself or someone else,

Call Mental Health Direct on 0800 995 1000 the number is free and available 24/7.

Havering Mind

Havering Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

They provide services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

They offer an array of services including:

  • Gateway telephone service
  • 18-30 Programme
  • Social Inclusion project
  • Live a better Life

They also offer many others to suit the needs of Havering residents.

Whatever your worries are, the team is here to help you 7 days a week, evenings and weekends.

01708 457040

Visit the Havering Mind website

Safe Connections

Safe Connections services are for anyone who is feeling at risk of suicide and needs to access support, as well as for people who have an interest in trying to help prevent suicide.

They also provide support for people bereaved or impacted by suicide.

The service operates on a self-referral basis.

Anyone wanting support can call the free helpline number, 0300 561 0115, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm and speak to one of the connectors.

Visit the Safe Connections website

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies is a free, confidential professional NHS service for people aged 18 years or over.

The service provides access to expert advice and techniques to help address problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement and relationship problems, and help for people experiencing panic attacks, work and money worries, sleeping problems, phobias, and much more.

You can easily self-refer by calling 0300 300 1554 (Option 2) to book an appointment for an initial assessment.

Visit the Talking Therapies website

Your GP and Havering Adult Social Care

Alternatively, speak to your GP about mental health services and support, or contact the Council’s Adult Social Care team on 01708 432000.

If you have a mental health problem which means you need help and support to live in your own home independently, then the family services directory will help you to find the right services and support groups.

If you have additional problems with your health (in addition to a mental health problem), then do speak to your GP for advice, who may refer you into another health service.

Children and Young People’s Mental Health

It’s never too early to start talking to children and young people about mental health.

You could find opportunities to talk while on a journey, walking the dog or cooking.

Information about local mental health support services for children and young people, resources and training for parents/carers can be found on the family service directory.

If you are worried about a young person, speak to their GP or school nurse.

If your concerns are more urgent or there is risk of harm to life please consider 111 or 999 if medical attention is required.

You can also find information about children’s mental health services on the NHS North East London website.


Losing a friend or relative is a tough experience to go through and people react to grief in different ways.

NHS North East London have provided details of some of the key support that is available to you.

Visit the NHS North East London website

You can also download Suicide Bereavement UK’s guides for those bereaved by suicide in the Armed Forces Community.

Self-help resources

NHS Choices has more information about mental health, including self-help information.

Complete the NHS every mind matters self-assessment quiz to get your personalised mental health action plan with tips and advice to help you be kind to your mind.

The NHS North East London website also has information about self-help resources.