Havering Real Nappy Scheme


Real nappies are made out of natural or synthetic materials and contain less chemicals than disposable nappies.

When using real nappies you can reduce your babies exposure to chemicals by using an eco-detergent, avoiding PVC-wraps, using organic cotton, hemp or bamboo products and avoid sanitiser. Tea tree oil is a good natural agent which you can use to soak in if you decide to do so.

Chemicals and gels used in disposable nappies are not subject to UK government controls or testing.

For more information you can log onto the Real Nappies For London or Go Real National Nappy Campaign websites.

Many families are suffering financial hardship and the Real Nappies for London blog gives you some helpful tips on how you can spend less money on disposable nappies and help reduce waste.

Real nappies can save you money in the long term and help benefit the environment too.

Facts and figures

Disposable nappies can take over 300 years to breakdown in landfill – this produces methane gas which adds to global warming

With the average baby getting through 4 – 6,000 disposable nappies by the time they’re potty trained, and with disposable nappies being one of the worst sources of contamination in recycled waste, reusable nappies significantly reduce material in the waste system.

Using just one reusable nappy in place of a disposable every day could save 1000 nappies from landfill during the early stages of a child’s life.

The average daily plastic consumption of single-use nappies is equivalent to throwing away seven supermarket plastic bags per day per person.