Love your clothes

The Love Your Clothes campaign is a National campaign which aims to raise awareness of the value of clothes and help us make the most of the clothes we already have, prolonging the life of them. At present £140million worth of clothing ends up in landfill every year which is over 30 percent of all the clothing we get rid of.

​The Havering Recycling team are supporting this campaign by encouraging people to think about the way they purchase, use and dispose of clothes.

There are many ways to make the most of our clothes, and if we decide that we no longer need an item of clothing or it is ruined somehow then there are several easy ways to recycle our clothes without ever needing to put them in the general waste.

That includes socks with holes and stained babygrows - absolutely any item of clothing/textiles can be recycled.

There are various tips and activities which you can easily do at home to help make the most of your clothes.

Check out our guides

You can download a Love Your Clothes leaflet - 'A guide to making the most of your clothes'​. This leaflet includes more details on the tips above plus some extra information on Love Your Clothes.

Organising your wardrobe and smart shopping

Checking the clothes you already have before you buy any more. Approximately 30 percent of the clothes in our wardrobes haven't been worn in the last year so try buying quality products over throw away items.

Run your own Swishing Party

Swishing parties are a great way for you to swap clothes between your friends and family whilst having lots of fun at the same time. 

For some handy tips on how to run a swishing party, download a Swishing Party Pack

Join a Love Your Clothes workshop

You can register for a free Love Your Clothes workshop. Sessions will include washing right, removing stains, mending, alterations and upcycling fashion.

Register for a Love Your Clothes workshop

Other options

Use our what goes where tool to see where you can take clothes.