The Council was granted Housing Zone status in June 2015 and the Rainham and Beam Park Housing Zone followed shortly after.

Our vision for the Rainham and Beam Park Housing Zone is the transformation of a declining industrial area into a vibrant new urban community providing much needed new housing including affordable and family homes for local people, social, physical and green infrastructure with good access to public transport and employment opportunities.

The Housing Zone is ambitious and will see the building of 3,500 new homes over the next 10 to 15 years.

Crucially we have been working with its partners and developers to ensure that a full range of social infrastructure, including education, health, transport, social and leisure facilities are funded and in place to support the new homes and community at the appropriate time.

Beam park station

The station is pivotal to the delivery of over 5,000 homes and the wider regeneration of London Riverside, ‘London’s largest Opportunity Area’.

As well as unlocking homes for over 13,000 residents, the station will form a civic heart and local centre for Beam Park, acting as a catalyst for the regeneration of the surrounding area, which has high levels of deprivation.

The new station will bring environmental benefits by encouraging a shift away from car use and supporting a reduction in parking.

The housing projects unlocked by the station will invest over £1 billion into the local area, delivering two new primary schools, a three-hectare park, community and health centres and over 60,000 sqft of commercial space, directly creating over 250 jobs.

Did you know?

Rainham and Beam Park development area

Together with the Council’s Joint Venture Partner, Notting Hill Genesis, it was originally planned that these investments would unlock 581 homes – of which 206 (35 percent) will be affordable – on sites along the A1306 in Havering and would include homes for local people, a new linear park and improvements to the A1306.

  • Improved connectivity – improving access to public transport in areas around the station for people who currently do not have adequate access to public transport.
  • Additional passengers on the rail network, as many of these inhabitants cannot reasonably get to the existing c2c stations at Rainham and Dagenham Dock.
  • Reduction in emissions from modal shift of 4.5million KG of CO2 each year
  • Job creation (1,270 direct jobs and 120 indirect jobs) at new commercial units and through the construction phases
  • An increase in business investment, supported by the London Gateway Freeport designation.
  • Direct land value uplifts of £69 million per annum.
  • Reduced crime levels in area surrounding the station. 
  • 5,000 new homes (of which at least 1,686 affordable) will be built.
  • Popular among those who have already put down deposits on new homes near the station.
  • It will be welcomed by residents in the borough of all social backgrounds and political views.
  • Sends a message that the Government is behind levelling up within London.
  • Beam Park Station will also provide a spring board for new or improved public transport connections to the London Riverside BID which represents around 400 businesses and employing more than 3,750 people.

Beam Park Station next steps

The GLA and Havering Council are preparing to restart the transport modelling and operational cost modelling exercise, working alongside the Department for Transport (DfT) and c2c.

In this next phase of work, DfT and c2c have requested that the previous modelling is refreshed, by including a range of updated datasets for post-covid travel patterns, operational costs, and performance impacts of Barking Riverside Station on the network.

A Project Sponsor from Network Rail is required to progress this technical work.

An indicative programme has been proposed to DfT and c2c, however this is yet to be agreed.

The proposed milestones for the next steps include:

  • finalising the transport modelling and operational cost modelling by summer 2023
  • finalising legal and commercial agreements by January 2024

Havering Council officers are commissioning two studies to support the strategic case for the station that are: 

  • an economic impacts study, which will assess impacts of the new station on the wider area, with a focus on employment sites in the BID area and linking into the newly established Freeport
  • an area-wide transport study, to be jointly commissioned with Barking and Dagenham Council, looking at the wider area transport needs and gaps

Monthly stakeholders’ meetings continue, attended by representatives from LBH, LBBD, GLA, the BID, and developers of major housing and commercial schemes in the area, including Countryside, L and Q, Clarion, and Segro.

This group share updates and coordinate any lobbying efforts moving forward.