Registering as a childminder

We have prepared the childcare sufficiency report for existing and potential childminders.

This report shows which areas in the borough could benefit from additional childcare providers.

It gives a breakdown of 2, 3 and 4 year olds capacity and projections by ward level and outlines where there is a need required for childminders and how you can access funding.

Childcare sufficiency report

View our short video of what points to consider before setting up a childcare business in Havering and the intro is this video has been produced by London Borough of Havering Early Years Teams.

It is an aid for prospective childminders wishing to set up childcare provision in the borough.

Working from your own home, as a self-employed childminder, you can be your own boss and set your own hours and rates.

You should have an active weekly programme to help all areas of children’s development.

This means attending childminder drop-in sessions, local libraries and child-friendly outdoor facilities.

You can be registered for a maximum of six children under the age of eight, including your own children. Often childminders can continue to receive benefits while working.

There is no minimum or maximum age to register, as long as you can show Ofsted, the registering body; you are a suitable and fit person.

Before you start the process you should also view our important points to consider document.

We then recommend that you read the government’s online guide to registering as a childminder.

Each local authority sets out their own requirements.

If you are thinking of becoming a registered childminder then you will need to view the following

Havering requirements flowchart

This pack has been produced by London of Borough of Havering Early Years Teams. It is an aid for prospective early years providers wishing to set up childcare provision in the Borough.

Business pack for prospective providers