Decisions about post-16 education
Parent and Learner Apprenticeship, T Level and Supported Internship Event
Young people from across Havering are invited to the LA’s free annual event, to find out about apprenticeships, the T Level qualification and supported internships that are a work-based study programme for 16 to 24-year-olds with SEND.
Young people must continue in some form of education and training until their 18th birthday.
This could be through:
- studying full-time at a school, college or training provider
- an apprenticeship or traineeship
- studying part-time while working or volunteering
Regardless of what you choose, young people who did not get a grade 4 or above in English and/or maths at GCSE must continue their study to achieve this grade.
The Department for Education (DfE) has produced a video outlining the education options for those aged 16+.
Shaw Trust
Shaw Trust are the local careers advice and guidance service commissioned by the London Borough of Havering.
If you are aged 16 –19 (or up to 25 if you have additional needs) and live in Havering, Shaw Trust can offer you support you with your next steps.
- Work: CV production, covering letters, application forms, on-line applications, job search, interview techniques
- Training: Information on Apprenticeships and alternative training provision
- Education: Information and guidance on Post 16 choices including Schools, Colleges and Universities and courses available
- Benefits advice: Advice on Job Seekers Allowance, income support and Child Benefit (under 18 only)
For more information please call Shaw Trust 01708 746401 or email
A member of team will make contact with you directly within 5 working days.
Parent checklist
- Encourage your son or daughter to research their options using the post-16 directory.
- Check the dates of post-16 open events and put them in your diary.
- Encourage your son or daughter to discuss their options with their school’s careers and education advice service, or contact the National Careers Service.
- Ensure application forms are completed and submitted on time – sixth form and college applications typically open in October.
- If your son or daughter is interested in an apprenticeship or traineeship get them to register with the National Apprenticeship Service – a number of larger companies advertise their apprenticeship opportunities for school leavers between November and February.
- If you are worried about finances contact sixth forms, colleges and training providers and ask about the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund.
- Support your son or daughter to develop a back-up plan, just in case.