Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

The Blue Badge Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for people with severe mobility problems to access goods and services, by allowing them to park close to their destination.

The scheme is open to eligible disabled people irrespective of whether they are travelling as a driver or as a passenger.


Unfortunately the blue badge team are unable to deal with any enquires relating to ULEZ as this is a Transport for London (TfL) scheme.


 Your blue badge application

Apply or renew now

Please note if you are renewing, please apply 6 to 8 weeks prior to your existing badge expiring to make sure your new badge reaches you in time if approved.

Start your Blue Badge application or renewal now

Once a Blue Badge application is approved and payment had been received, the Blue Badge will be produced by a central agency, and posted directly to the badge holder's home address.

The badge holder can expect to receive the Blue Badge approximately 10 working days after the application is approved.

Updates on your application

We normally respond to blue badge applications and correspondence within 28 days of receipt.

This can take longer during busy periods and sometimes there are delays in us receiving your application.

All applications and correspondence are dealt with in the order they are received via online and email. The only exception is if the applicant has a life limiting illness. These are treated as a priority.  

If you have submitted application/correspondence and you have not heard from us within 28 working days, you can fill out our form below. Before doing so please check your email junk mail in case our response has been sent there by your email client.

Fill out our Blue Badge update form 

Using your Blue Badge

The badge may only be used when the badge holder is driving or being transported in the vehicle.

It may not be used by a friend, relative or helper even when providing a service for the disabled badge holder such as shopping unless the badge holder is travelling with them.

When the badge is used, it must be clearly displayed together with the clock on the dashboard of the vehicle, with the front (showing the wheelchair user symbol) facing outwards, so that the expiry date, serial number and issuing authority are easily visible through the windscreen.

Before using the blue badge please read the rights and responsibilities leaflet (Opens in new tab) issued with your badge so that you know where and how to use it correctly.

If you get a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) because of the way you have parked but you feel it has been issued incorrectly, you can challenge it.

Using your Blue Badge in our Borough and our Council operated car parks

Blue Badge holders must pay for parking unless the vehicle is exempt from road tax and has a tax classification of 'Disabled' in which case three hours free parking is allowed with normal charges applying after three hours.

Please check all signs in each individual car parks as rules in each location may vary

Badge holders cannot:

  • park in loading bays within the restricted period (as signed)
  • on loading restrictions within the restricted period (as signed or shown by the kerb markings)
  • park in a dedicated disabled parking bay (as denoted by with a Permit number on the nearby Sign plate)
  • in an obstructive manner

Badge holders can:

  • park in resident parking bays for free for an unlimited time 
  • park for free for an unlimited time at on-street pay and display bays
  • park in disabled bays that don’t have a time limit for free unlimited time 
  • park in 3 hour maximum stay disabled bays for 3 hours 

In all instances, a valid Disabled persons parking badge and clock must be clearly displayed in the windscreen of the vehicle.

EU disabled badge scheme

The European Union disabled badge scheme is fully recognised in Havering and all EU badge holders have the same parking rights as UK Blue badge holders.

Disabled badges from outside the EU vary in design and it is hard to verify their authenticity.

For this reason, we do not accept disabled badges from outside the EU.

Lost or stolen Blue Badge

If your Blue Badge has been lost or stolen please complete the below online form. 

Blue Badge lost and stolen form

Report misuse of a Blue Badge

If you see a badge being misused in any way then please complete our online form. 

Report misuse of a Blue Badge

Blue Badge data retention

Please be aware all information and documents provided to support your application for a Blue Badge will be retained in accordance with our retention policy for a minimum of three years.

Please note the Blue Badge Service uses contracted outside companies and by making an application you are also consenting to the sharing of your information with the companies concerned to undertake the Blue Badge Service within the Department of Transport Policy and Guidance.