The Compact Forum is a great place for Havering charities and community organisations to meet and keep appraised of key issues and to have a voice with the main stakeholders in Havering.

Local statutory and voluntary sector organisations work together on the Havering Compact, which is the local agreement between the public and voluntary and community sectors, on how to work together effectively.

The Compact establishes rights and commitments for both the statutory agencies, and the community organisations that sign up to it, and it provides a mechanism for dispute resolution.

The Havering Compact is and can be used to help organisations understand each other better, improve communications and understand what to expect of each other.

It sets out commitments for each sector, and organisations can sign up to it to demonstrate their commitment to improving working relationships.

Apply to join Havering Compact

Compact Voice

Compact Voice a national organisation which works to ensure that strong, effective partnerships are at the heart of all relationships between the voluntary sector and government, locally and on a national level.

Contact 07736 772015 for details.