Where We Live logo

Welcome to the Where We Live campaign webpage.

Here you can learn about our campaign to encourage residents and community groups to work with us to make Havering a cleaner and safer place to be and empower communities to take pride in Where We Live. 

You can read the latest news and learn more about how we are working hard to keep the borough clean, safe and tidy.

Find out how to get involved in clean-up events and community groups working in your area.

You can also find links to report litter and fly-tipping and let us know about a local ‘grot spot’ (pockets of unused and waste land) which you would like to clean up or adopt as a community pocket garden.

Also don’t forget to check out our campaign gallery which features pictures of all the great action taking place across the borough.

Together, let’s love Where We Live.

Campaign gallery

Where We Live

Campaign video

Our campaign video introduces Where We Live to you and what it is all about.

Where We Live news

  • Annual crime summit in Havering

    Where We Live: Havering hosts crime summit

    Havering Council and Havering Community Safety Partnership have hosted the annual crime summit, bringing together key partners and local communities to discuss tackling crime,

  • Harold will wombles pic

    More litter pickers brave the cold

    As part of the Where We Live campaign, residents and community groups are taking action to help keep the borough clean and safe for everyone.

  • Litter packed and kept on the street

    Litter picking across Havering

    As part of the Where We Live campaign, we are shining a spotlight on the many dedicated residents and volunteers who are already making a difference by picking up litter in their community.

  • Street cleaning teams sweeping leaves on the streets

    Take a leaf out of our book

    As part of the Where We Live campaign, Council's street cleaning teams work hard every autumn to ensure that key roads and areas with a large number of trees are kept clear of debris.

Where We Live events

Get involved in the latest community and Council activities taking place near you.

See the full list of Where We Live events 

Adopt a Grot Spot

Tell us about any small pockets of unused and waste land in your area such as verges that are always driven over, patches of grass that are forgotten and overgrown which you would like to clean-up and / or adopt as a community green space or garden. 

We can help you identify the owners of this land and link you with community groups to bring these spaces back to life. 

Tell us about a spot

Start a litter pick

Anybody can borrow litter picking equipment from us to carry out their own litter picks in the local community.

Find out how to take part

Volunteer groups

Lists of volunteer groups that get involved in clean-ups you can join will be coming soon.