Tell us about a demolition

If you plan to demolish a building in Havering you need to tell us at least six weeks before you start the work.

Anyone intending to demolish a building, or part of a building, to which section 80 of the Building Act 1984 applies, must give notice to the Council of that intention.

Tell us about a planned demolition

Please email if you require any help.

About the notice of demolition

The notice must specify the building to which it relates and the works of demolition intended to be carried out.

A copy of the notice must be given or sent to the occupier of any building next to the building to be demolished and the notice must also be sent to the Building Control Manager together with the current charge of £319 (£328 from 1 April 2025) (this is for small demolition schemes up to the size of a single dwelling).

Please contact to discuss and agree the charge for larger schemes.

The demolition cannot start until the local authority has issued a notice under section 81 of the Building Act 1984 or the relevant period (six weeks) has expired.

Demolition process

Aspects of the demolition process which a section 81 notice can impose requirements on are detailed in section 82 and include:

  • shoring up of neighbouring buildings
  • weather proofing exposed surfaces of neighbouring buildings
  • repair and making good damage to neighbouring buildings
  • removal of material and rubbish resulting from the demolition
  • disconnecting and sealing drains or sewers in or under the building
  • removing any such drains or sewers
  • making good the surface of the ground where drains or sewers have been sealed or removed
  • making disconnection arrangements with relevant providers of gas, electricity and water
  • health and safety issues relating to the demolition process and burning of materials to protect the public and preserve public amenity

The demolition of certain buildings requires consent under The Town and Country Planning Acts, please contact Building Control at the address shown for further advice.

Minimising the nuisance to neighbours

Building or demolition works can sometimes cause problems for neighbours of the site. You can reduce or avoid causing any nuisance to neighbours (and later action being taken by the Council) if you:

  • make sure you give us six weeks notice of the start of demolition works
  • send a letter to the neighbours before work starts, telling them about the work and what to expect
  • give the neighbours a contact name and telephone number and keep them informed
  • deal promptly with any complaints received on site
  • keep dust down by spraying with water when and where you can
  • make sure there is no noise heard from the site outside certain hours
  • make sure particularly noisy operations (eg pile driving) that may need more stringent controls, adhear to them and that pumps and generators should not be left running overnight if they can be heard outside the site
  • are a householder doing some or all the work yourself, try to avoid causing any noise or dust early in the morning, in the evenings or on Sundays
  • see your bonfires release 'dark smoke', that is illegal and we can prosecute any offenders

If noise problems occur we, and the neighbours, can take legal action, so if you think your work may cause a significant nuisance to the neighbours from noise or vibration, apply for prior consent from us.