Building control and energy efficiency properties

The Standard Assessment Procedure is the Government's recommended system for energy rating of dwellings.

The Standard Assessment Procedure is used for calculating the rating, on a scale from 1 to 120, based on the annual energy costs for space and water heating and also for calculating the Carbon Index, on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0, based on the annual CO² emissions associated with space and water heating.

Regulation 27 of the Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales), requires that where a new building is erected and regulation 26 applies, that the person carrying out the work shall give the local authority a notice which specifies:

  • the target CO² emission rate for the building
  • the calculated CO² emission rate for the building as designed, and
  • a list of specifications to which the building is to be constructed

Not later than five days after the work has been completed, the person carrying out the work shall give the local authority a notice which specifies:

  • the target CO² emission rate for the building
  • the calculated CO² emission rate for the building as constructed and
  • whether the building has been constructed in accordance with the list of specifications referred to in three above, and if not a list of changes to those specifications; or a certificate from an energy assessor who is accredited to produce such certificates for that category of building confirming compliance with regulation 26

To provide us with a notice please email

For dwellings the target CO² emission rating, the calculated CO² emission rate and the asset rating of a dwelling shall be calculated using Standard Assessment Procedure. For buildings other than dwellings the specified calculation is to be by the use of Simplified Building Energy Model or an approved Demand Side Management.