Our powers to stop anti-social behaviour

The legislation of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 gives Councils and the Police a raft of powers.

These powers can be used in a variety situations to try and eliminate or contain nuisance behaviour.

Civil Injunctions

A Civil Injunction can include both prohibitive and positive measures as a means of controlling  Anti-Social Behaviour.

It is available against anyone from the age of 10 upwards and can be used by both the Police, Council’s and RSL’s.

Criminal Behaviour Orders

The Criminal Behaviour Order is a step up from the Civil Injunction.

In a similar fashion it can also include prohibitive and positive measures as a way of controlling Anti-Social Behaviour but is only available when a person is convicted of an offence, but before they are sentenced.

The CPS is the acting agent either at it’s own initiative or at the request of the Local Government and/or Police.

Dispersal powers

A Dispersal Order is a Police power which can restrict access to a property or area of land for a period of up to 48 hours.

This power is not available to the Local Authority.

Closures Notice/Orders

Closure powers are used when a property is deemed to be causing nuisance or likely to cause nuisance.

The Council or Police, can apply to the Magistrates for an order to close the premises or area of land, to the public for up to 6 months (in certain circumstances).

Community Protection Notices

The Community Protection Notice is a versatile tool that can be used against various types of nuisance from residential (loud music) to environmental (fly tipping).

Penalty for breach can be a fine or seizure of items.

Public Space Protection Orders

The Public Space Protection Order aim is to solve local nuisance issues by setting local conditions on areas of land accessible to the public.

Penalty for breaching a condition can be a fine or seizure of items.

Key partners

  • MET Police
  • Adult and Children’s Social Services
  • Housing (Council and other Social Landlords)
  • Victim support
  • Mental Health Services
  • Youth Offending Service (YOS)
  • London Fire Brigade
  • North East London Foundation TRUST (NELFT/NHS)
  • Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
  • Early Help
  • Westminster Drug Project (WDP)
  • Education