How to pay your rent

Havering Council Tenants - Rent increase survey

We have to set rent in accordance with the Government formula which is Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1 percent.

This year, the figure for the CPI was 1.7 percent, so we can only increase your rent by 2.7 percent. This is what we are proposing to do from early April 2025.

Go to our survey to give us your views

You can pay your rent by the following methods:


Pay your rent online

Direct Debit

If you pay by direct debit we can take the money on the first, seventh, fourteenth or twenty first of the month.

We will let you know in advance (10 working days) that the amount is being debited, this will allow any time for you to raise a query with us about the amount.

To set up a direct debit you can download our form or request that we send you one in the post.

Download Direct Debit form

Request a Direct Debit form

Standing orders

You can pay your rent by standing order on a Weekly, Fortnightly & Monthly basis. Please download and complete the standing order mandate form and take it or post it to your bank to set up the instruction.

Pay your rent by standing order


Pay using our Debit Card Line by calling 0300 456 0630. This service is fully automated, available 24 hours.

To make payments, you will need to know:

  • the amount you want to pay
  • your debit card details
  • your 14 digit rent reference number

Need a refund?

If your account is in credit, you can get a refund by filling in the rent refund application form and returning it to us by post.

Claim a refund on your rent