Overview and Scrutiny
Every day the Council makes decisions that impact the lives of residents of Havering.
These decisions are about how public money is spent and how public services are to be delivered.
To ensure that the decisions taken are fair, inclusive and represent the best interests of all Havering residents, councillors sit on overview and scrutiny sub-committees.
These sub-committees and the coordinating overview and scrutiny board examine decisions, policies and the performance of council services to hold decision-makers to account and to guarantee that the public are involved in the decisions that will affect their lives.
Havering has two overview and scrutiny committees as well as the overview and scrutiny board, each of which examines a particular area of the Council’s operation.
List of committees
- Overview and Scrutiny Board
- Peoples Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee
- Places Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee
How overview and scrutiny committees work
Committees meet regularly usually four times a year or more and meetings are usually held in public so anyone is welcome to attend.
Each year overview and scrutiny committees tend to agree their annual work plan, which lists the areas of interest of councillors and the issues that will be focussed on.
If you have a particular issue that you would like scrutiny to examine then please use email anthony.clements@onesource.co.uk and we will see if it is something scrutiny can help with.