Appeal against a parking ticket or traffic fine

What you need to check before challenging

General checks before challenging

If you feel that the fine was incorrectly issued, or that there are special circumstances in your case, you may make an appeal against your fine (Penalty Charge Notice).

You should check the restrictions where the fine was issued before challenging.

You must pay for your parking ticket within 28 days (beginning on the date that the Penalty Charge Notice is served) to avoid additional charges.

Do not pay if you want to appeal and if your appeal is accepted, the charge will be cancelled.

If you are contesting the penalty, you will not be able to pay the discounted charge if your challenge is unsuccessful. This does not affect your statutory right to make a representation.

While you may wish to seek advice from your Councillor or MP, such elected representatives cannot become involved in the consideration of challenges. 

Please note that if you do contact them then this contact does not form part of the appeal process and you should follow the process for making a challenge as detailed on the Penalty Charge Notice and through the options on this page.

Appealing a rejected informal challenge

If you want to dispute the PCN after the rejection of your informal challenge please see your letter of rejection for details about what to do next.

I have a Charge Certificate but have not had a Penalty Charge Notice

If you have not received a PCN but have received a Charge Certificate, please wait for an Order for Recovery to be issued that will enable you to make a Witness Statement or Statutory Declaration against the PCN on the grounds that the PCN was not received.

Please note, this is the only option available to you within the process of a Penalty Charge Notice.

An Order for Recovery is issued a minimum of 28 days after a Charge Certificate.

Owner of the vehicle liability

Legislation states that the registered keeper of the vehicle is liable for any PCN even if incurred by an additional driver.

The PCN wasn't attached to the vehicle

Please make representation online and you will be able to view photos of the vehicle in contravention and see if the PCN was served to the vehicle.

The Traffic Management Act 2004 provides that a Penalty Charge Notice should be handed to the person in charge of the vehicle or fixed to it.

The liability of the owner remains even if the Penalty Charge Notice is subsequently removed by, for example, the weather or an unauthorised person.

The discounted charge is only payable for 14 days from service of the PCN.

I am out of time to make my challenge or representation

If the time period to make a challenge or representation has expired, payment must be made.

Alternatively you can wait for an Order for Recovery that will enable you to make a Witness Statement/Statutory Declaration to the Traffic Enforcement Centre should you have grounds to do so.

If the case has reached Enforcement Agents, an Out of Time Witness Statement will need to be made.

Challenging a ticket issued in an emergency

You will need to make representations and provide documentary evidence of the emergency for cancellation to be considered.

PCNs and blue badges

Read our using your blue badge section for details about scenarios where a PCN may get issued.

PCN policy

You can also read our PCN discretionary policy document outlining the criteria we use to enforce or cancel your PCN.

Make a challenge

Please note that you will not be able to pay the discounted charge if your challenge is unsuccessful.

How to challenge

There are two ways to challenge depending on what stage you are at in an appeal and how you got your ticket.

If the PCN has been left on your vehicle please use the 'Informal challenge form' where you will need to enter the PCN number and vehicle registration.

If the PCN was sent to your address by post please use the 'Formal representation form' where you will need to enter the PCN number, vehicle registration and the web code from the letter.

We have up to 56 days to process your appeal and we will write to you once it has been processed.

If you want to upload any supporting evidence on the appeal form then please make sure what you upload is under 2mb in file size.

Before submitting any challenge or representation please refer to our PCN policy.

If the PCN has been left on your vehicle

Appeal against a parking ticket left on your vehicle (informal challenge) 

If the PCN was sent to your address by post

Appeal against your ticket or fine (formal representation)