Validation checklists

Please note that as part of the planning register, we are required to publish online the plans and documents you submit with your application.

Please provide a separate copy of any submitted documents with signatures and all personal details (for example names, addresses, email and address) removed as part of your application.

If your proposal relates to a flat or maisonette, dropped kerb or the construction of a new dwelling then please use the full planning permission form.

Please note that you can only submit one proposal per application.

It is not possible to submit alternative options within the same submission.

Householder application for planning permission for works or extension to a dwelling

Following a grant of planning permission, it may be necessary to make small amendments to the permission, for example moving a door or window.

Please go to the Planning Portal website for information on making changes.

This should be used specifically for larger single storey rear extensions (up to 6m for an attached property or up to 8m for a detached property).  

Failure to submit the fee will result in the application being rejected.

You are reminded that works must not commence until the submitted application has run its course.

If the proposal is not permitted development, or if the fee is not paid, then the application will be formally rejected.

Planning Portal - Information about prior approval for larger home extensions

Applications for full permission

This form should be used for all applications for commercial or business premises, residential applications that do not fall into the householder category and for applications that do not fall into one of the other categories.

Application for planning permission

Applying for a dropped kerb? Please see the list of roads that require you to have planning permission before you apply for a dropped kerb and an example of the type of plan that needs to be submitted with your application.

Applications for outline permission

  • Checklist 016 - Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development (proposed building).
  • Checklist 017 - Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development (proposed road).
  • Checklist 018 - Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development (excavation/waste material).
  • Checklist 019 - Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development (proposed fish tank (cage)).
  • Checklist 022 - Application for prior notification of proposed demolition.
  • Checklist 020 - Prior notification of proposed development in respect of permitted development by telecommunications code systems operators.

Please see the Planning Portal page about prior consent for more information.

  • Change of use from office to dwellings.
  • Notification for prior approval for a change of use from storage or distribution buildings (Class B8) and any land within its curtilage to dwelling houses (Class C3)
  • Notification for prior approval for a change of use from amusement arcades/centres and casinos, (Sui Generis uses) and any land within its curtilage to dwelling houses (Class C3)
  • Notification for prior approval for a change of use from shops (Class A1), financial and professional services (Class A2), betting offices, pay day loan shops and casinos (Sui Generis uses) to restaurants and cafés (Class A3)
  • Notification for prior approval for a change of use from shops (Class A1) and financial and professional services (Class A2), betting offices, pay day loan shops (Sui Generis uses) to assembly and leisure uses (Class D2)
  • Notification for prior approval for a development consisting of the erection or construction of a collection facility within the curtilage of a shop
  • Notification for prior approval for the temporary use of buildings or land for the purpose of commercial film-making and the associated temporary structures, works, plant or machinery required in connection with that use
  • Notification for prior approval for the installation, alteration or replacement of other Solar Photovoltaic (PV) equipment on the roofs of non-domestic buildings, up to a capacity of one megawatt