Join the Havering Youth Council

The Havering Central Youth Council is an organisation made up of young people aged between 11 and 18 and inclusive to the age of 25 if the young person has additional needs or a disability. 

It is an independent body of young people, which represent no party political views.


  • give young people a voice.
  • create opportunities for young people to become involved in democratic processes within the local community regionally and nationally.
  • enable young people to identify the issues that affect their lives in a negative way and determine what they need to do to effect change.
  • raise participation and achievement levels for ALL young people.
  • promote equal opportunities in Havering for all young people.
  • treat all young people fairly, with respect and ensure that they will be listened to.


The Council is looking for young people with the following:

  • excellent communication skills
  • confident in being able to represent the voice of young people of Havering
  • ability to give constructive feedback to adults when being consulted about services and activities for children and young people
  • ability to be inclusive and respect other people’s values and opinions
  • reliable and punctual
  • be willing to participate to make a difference in Havering.

You also need to:

  • be aged between 11 and 18 (up to 24 with special educational needs or disabilities)
  • live in Havering
  • be committed to attend meetings, other events and workshops as required by the role.

If yes then we need you as part of the Havering Youth Council. Complete an application form online as the first step.