Personal searches

A personal search is a search of the Local Land Charges Register only and does not reveal the full information provided by an official search.

It is important to note that we operate under Rule 7 of The Local Land Charges Rules 1977 and the details of how you can access the Planning Register are shown below.

The Local Land Charges Team is here to assist and help therefore please ensure you treat them with courtesy and respect.

Book an appointment to view the Local Land Charges register

  1. Please email from 9am each Monday morning to request bookings for the following week (if it is a bank holiday, then it will be the Tuesday). We will automatically discount any emails that arrive before 9am. 
  2. We will receive emails up to 4pm on a Monday, but please be aware we will book them in in order of arrival and the spaces are taken up quickly.
  3. We will provide you with confirmation as to whether or not your booking has been accepted.

All personal searches of the Local Land Charges Register will be viewed in person only at Local Studies Section, Romford Central Library, St Edwards Way, Romford, RM1 3AR (adjacent to Havering Town Hall) by pre-appointment only.

There will be 50 appointments available per week (1 appointment equates to 1 address).

The maximum number any Personal Search Company can book per week is 7 (1 appointment equates to 1 address) this is to allow fair access to all Personal Search Companies.

Please make the number of appointments you require ensuring that the correct plans are attached, please pay careful attention if your property is on a new development, we do not accept just “plot” addresses, we require the full postal address and correct site layout plan.

Once you have received your confirmation email of your booking, the email will provide the contact email address that you need to email to make an appointment to select the specific day of the week to view the documentation the following week at the Local Studies Centre.

The Local Studies Centre is there solely to provide a location to view the Local Land Charges Register and are unable to provide any assistance with queries you may have.

Please can you ensure that you treat them in a courteous and respectful manner.

Regardless of the number of appointments that you make, you can view them all at the same appointment slot that the Local Studies Centre will provide you with.

Please can you ensure when making the initial booking with ourselves (Local Land Charges), the full postal address of the property is give, a clear and precise plan is submitted as otherwise this could lead to that specific property appointment being cancelled.

Once the appointment has been made, no further amendments can be made.

Booking personal search appointments for new developments

If the property to be searched is part of a new development and it has been officially street named and numbered, in order for the search to be carried out, we will need the:

  • official postal address (which has been set up by the Havering Street Naming and Numbering Department)
  • plot number
  • development layout plan or floor layout plan (if a flat) showing which specific property you require the search to be carried out

If we do not have all of the above, the search will not be accepted.

Book an appointment to view the Planning Register

It is important to note that viewing the Local Land Charges Register for a personal search must be viewed in conjunction with the any approved planning consents with conditions from 01/08/1977 which are held separately on the Planning Register in accordance with Rule 7 of The Local Land Charges Rules 1977. 

Please contact Planning on 01708 433100 or and request a Planning History search on this property (24 hours’ notice is required).

Please ensure that the following wording is used when making the request:

“Please could I also make an appointment to receive the Planning Register in conjunction with my Personal Search Appointment that I have booked in with the Local Land Charges Department.”

Please note that all planning application from 1990 onwards can be found on our website planning searches.

This information is not provided to view when viewing the Local Land Charges Register, it is the Personal Search Companies responsibility to make arrangements to view the Planning Register.