Apply for street names and numbering

The London Borough of Havering Street Naming and Numbering Department operates under London Buildings Acts (Amendment) Act 1939 and amending legislation, the Street Naming and Numbering Best Practice Guidelines BS 7666 (2006) held at Geoplace.

The Street Naming and Numbering services assigns names and postal addresses to new and existing streets, houses and buildings.

All official Street Naming and Numbering must originate from this department. This also includes renaming and renumbering.

Please note that our current turnaround time is 8 to 10 working weeks once an application has been received, validated and payment has been made, therefore please ensure you allow enough time.


For any queries regarding Street Naming and Numbering please email .

Please include a scaled plan at 1:1250 with your application.

Please include a development layout plan. If your application includes flats, please include floor layout plans showing the floor numbers.

Once the application has been submitted we will give you the details of the fee and how to pay

Apply to name or number a building or street

Read our full street numbering and naming policy

Street naming and numbering process in detail

  1. You complete and submit the Street Naming and Numbering Application Form online.
  2. SNN Officer validates application – contacts applicant for payment. Checks form has been completed correctly (and the correct form has been completed) and checks all relevant documentation have been provided.
  3. SNN process begins according to best practice and guidelines. Currently takes 8-10 weeks.
  4. Proposed new addresses are sent to the Pre-Determined Attendance Team in the London Fire Brigade for consultation (if names are required) – if there are any objections to names you will be contacted.
  5. Once approved by the PDA Team, the addresses are sent to Royal Mail to issue a postcode and update their Postal Address File (if complete) or their Not Yet Built File if under construction or to be constructed.
  6. Once Royal Mail has issued the postcode, the SNN is completed. Notification of the addresses are issued to the applicant, Royal Mail, Emergency Services, Land Registry, other Council Departments and all necessary statutory authorities.
  7. Official confirmation is provided to the applicant.
  8. The addresses are added to the Local Land and Property and Street Gazetteer.
  9. If the property/properties are still under construction, they will be put into Royal Mail’s “Not Yet Built” File. Once the property is ready to be lived in, it is the developer’s responsibility to transfer the address to Royal Mail’s live file contacting them on the telephone number provided.

Changing or adding a property name

You cannot change the name of a property unless you own it or have the permission of the owner. A copy of the property title will be required as proof of ownership and written confirmation from the owner.

If your property has a house number, it will not be possible to replace the number with the name. However a name can be used in conjunction with the original number.

The original number should always be displayed at the property and quoted as part of your address on all correspondence.

When submitting a building or house name request please provide three names in order of preference in case of duplication of names in the surrounding area.

All new names are subject to approval.

Naming and numbering of new properties/new developments

Developers are asked to supply new road or building names to the council for their new developments for consideration.

There should not be duplications of any other street name prefixes in the borough. For example if there was a Baker Close we would not allow Baker Street.

For large developments, developers must supply a plan indicating plot numbers and entrances to buildings. In multi storey buildings numbering will start from the ground floor ascending consecutively.

Developers must provide floor layout plans showing plot numbers.

A plot to postal schedule will be issued to the developers together with a completed marked plan showing agreed road names, building names and postal address numbers and this must be adhered to.

Fees and charges for naming and numbering

New residential addresses (building names included) in an existing road.

  • 1 dwelling - £82
  • 2-5 dwellings - £102
  • 6-25 dwellings - £120
  • 26-45 dwellings - £247
  • 46-100 dwellings - £526
  • Greater than 100 dwellings - £887. There is an additional fee of  £120 for each additional 10 dwellings (or part thereof)

New residential address (building names included) plus single road name.

  • 1-5 dwellings - £172
  • 6-25 dwellings - £197
  • 26-45 dwellings - £316
  • 46-100 dwellings - £595
  • Greater than 100 dwellings - £957. There is an additional fee of  £197 for each additional 10 dwellings (or part thereof)
  • For each additional road name - £82

New commercial/industrial addresses (building name included) in an existing road.

  • 1 unit - £82
  • 2-5 units - £102
  • 6-10 units - £120
  • Greater than 11 units - £171

New commercial/industrial addresses (building name included) plus single road name.

  • 1 unit - £102
  • 2-5 units - £120
  • 6-10 units - £146
  • Greater than 11 units - £197
  • For each additional road name - £82

Other charges

  • New street name without any dwellings or units - £82
  • Naming of parcel of land or addition of new house name - £82
  • Re-naming of existing road of building (residential, commercial or industrial) - £82. There is an additional fee of £27 for each additional dwelling or building affected.
  • Research time - Flat fee for 2 hour research into possible building/street names. £157. Non-Refundable in the event that the suggested name(s) are not selected. One set of research to be undertaken on each application site only.
  • Street naming numbering completed document copies - Copies of plot to postal address schedules/floor layouts and copies of confirmation documentation confirming addresses. Research, retrieval and copy of one document if available.
    • Domestic properties - £51
    • Non-domestic properties - £76
    • For each additional document - £25.50 (per document)

Fees and charges for naming and numbering from 1 April 2025

New residential addresses (building names included) in an existing road.

  • 1 dwelling - £84.30
  • 2-5 dwellings - £105
  • 6-25 dwellings - £123
  • 26-45 dwellings - £254
  • 46-100 dwellings - £540
  • Greater than 100 dwellings - £911. There is an additional fee of  £123 for each additional 10 dwellings (or part thereof)

New residential address (building names included) plus single road name.

  • 1-5 dwellings - £176.60
  • 6-25 dwellings - £202.50
  • 26-45 dwellings - £324.50
  • 46-100 dwellings - £611
  • Greater than 100 dwellings - £983. There is an additional fee of  £202.50 for each additional 10 dwellings (or part thereof)
  • For each additional road name - £84.30

New commercial/industrial addresses (building name included) in an existing road.

  • 1 unit - £84.30
  • 2-5 units - £105
  • 6-10 units - £123
  • Greater than 11 units - £171

New commercial/industrial addresses (building name included) plus single road name.

  • 1 unit - £105
  • 2-5 units - £122
  • 6-10 units - £150
  • Greater than 11 units - £202.50
  • For each additional road name - £84.30

Other charges

  • New street name without any dwellings or units - £84.30
  • Naming of parcel of land or addition of new house name - £84.30
  • Re-naming of existing road of building (residential, commercial or industrial) - £84.30. There is an additional fee of £27.80 for each additional dwelling or building affected.
  • Research time - Flat fee for 2 hour research into possible building/street names. £161.50. Non-Refundable in the event that the suggested name(s) are not selected. One set of research to be undertaken on each application site only.
  • Street naming numbering completed document copies - Copies of plot to postal address schedules/floor layouts and copies of confirmation documentation confirming addresses. Research, retrieval and copy of one document if available.
    • Domestic properties - £51
    • Non-domestic properties - £76
    • For each additional document - £25.50 (per document)