What we do to improve road safety

Our aim is to minimise road crashes and reduce the number of people killed and injured on Havering's roads, through education, training and publicity.

We work with other agencies including Safer Neighbourhood Teams, the Metropolitan Police​, the London Fire Brigade, health services and road safety teams in other councils. Our activities include:

  • free child car seat checks for parents and carers
  • visits to schools to deliver road safety education
  • the Junior Travel Ambassador scheme in primary schools
  • the Youth Travel Ambassador scheme in secondary schools
  • 'Safe Drive Stay Alive' - an annual theatre presentation for Year 11 students
  • Road Safety Theatre in Education for schools
  • visits to children's centres to deliver talks and give information and advice on child car seats
  • road safety campaigns and exhibitions
  • attendance at various community events to promote road safety

To invite us to an event or school and to find out more about car seat checking please contact us.

Contact us online

Or call 01708 432808.