Havering Youth Wellbeing Steering Group

A youth steering group will take an important role in interpreting the results and designing and advocating for local responses to the findings.

To join you need to be aged 14 to 17 years old and living and going to school in Havering.

The group will meet monthly to discuss the results and help Havering Council decide what it should do next.

Benefits include:

  • meeting other young people who want to make a difference
  • gaining evidence of super-curricular activity to support future college / university applications
  • a gift card as a thank you for each meeting
  • free snacks.

All young people will receive a voucher for each meeting they attend as a thank you for their time. We will also have free food during our 'in-person' meetings.

Complete the online form to join the Havering Youth Wellbeing Steering Group