Becoming a provider in Havering
Proposed care provisions
Proposed care provisions can be at various stages of readiness when a provider contacts Havering Council.
These can include providers:
- making tentative enquires as to demand for services in an area
- having a property they are thinking of purchasing for use as a care provision
- wishing to deregister a former or current care provision for development into a different type of care provision
- having a new provision that they wish to have on-boarded and verified
- having plans for a new build care provision
Havering will want to understand the intended provision more and be able to support by way of guidance and advice.
Providers may want to know a little more about demand in Havering and what the expectations are prior to committing to going forward.
Where the provision is geographically and where it is in terms of its development, will depend on the next steps.
1. Provision not yet developed
Provider to have an initial conversation with Havering commissioning team to determine if the proposed provision is something which is required in Havering.
2. Development of a provision has begun or will be going ahead
Provider to have an initial conversation with Havering commissioning team.
A meeting may be arranged to discuss more formally.
3. Provider wishes to on-board and have the provision verified for use by Havering
Provider to have an initial conversation with Havering commissioning team. A meeting may be arranged to discuss more formally.
The earlier Havering is aware of the intention of a Provider, the earlier we can work together.
Joint working is crucial to support sustainable and high-quality care, accommodation and support options for the residents of Havering who require them.
Approval process
All potential schemes must in the first instance make contact with the Quality Team.
Please contact
Once contact is made the Quality Team will start the provider verification process which will include:
- requesting of documentation and licences
- checks on the Care Quality Commission website for current/proposed provider rating (If rating is not ‘Good’ or above, or if the service has yet to be inspected, the process would be paused until it is confirmed the provider has received at minimum a ‘Good’ rating)
- checks on the provision to ensure it meets the minimum standards
Complex Placements Dynamic Purchasing System
The Complex Placements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is the name for a new type of framework for the purchase of care and support for people with complex needs.
It’s a variation to the standard framework agreement which allows for a number of providers to be appointed to deliver services of a similar nature by successfully completing an application which is processed through our web based procurement system.
The scope of the Complex Placements DPS includes providing supported living, residential and home care and support packages for service users with either a single or combination of learning disabilities, mental health needs, physical disabilities, sensory disabilities and other complex vulnerable needs.
The duration of the Complex Placements DPS is five years and will close on 31 May 2025.
Providers looking to join the Complex Placement DPS should all have a CQC rating of 'Good' or above and ideally be based in Havering.
The provider types Havering requires on the Complex Placement DPS are:
- Supported Living providers with ground floor accommodation only for people with mobility issues
- Supported Living and Homecare providers with mental health with forensics experience in self-harm and drug and alcohol support
- Residential Respite providers
If you offer any services other than what is required by Havering you may not be successful at this stage in your application to join the Complex Placement DPS.
This is due to over 400 suppliers being on the Complex DPS and with an average of just 8 care packages being commissioned a month, there is a lot of competition.
The Council cannot guarantee the level of work awarded to any provider appointed to the Complex Placements DPS.
Homecare Light Touch Framework
Havering Homecare Framework supports residents in the community to keep well and maximise their independence by providing the best support to meet their individual outcomes and the majority of homecare placements come through this framework.
This contract was advertised on Find a Tender and Contracts Finder on 14 February 2022 and the new framework commenced on 1 August 2022.
The framework is a Light Touch Framework, which means we, at our discretion, have the option to open competition to the market at any time during the lifetime of the framework to appoint more providers.
The framework will open at least once during the four years’ lifetime and we will issue a Find a Tender and Contracts Finder notice to inform providers of this opportunity.
The tender documents will be published on our e-tendering portal, Oracle Fusion.