Before you build, extend or convert you or your agent must advise us either by submitting full plans or a building notice application.
Payment must accompany your application made by debit card by telephoning 01708 432700.
The charge payable depends on:
- the type of work
- the number of dwellings in a building
- and/or the total floor area
The building regulation charges are the same for corresponding building work for a:
- Full Plans Application
- Building Notice
- Regularisation Application
- Reversion Application
The following tables may be used to calculate the charges. If you have any difficulties calculating the charges please email us at buildingcontrol@havering.gov.uk.
Calculate the fees for building
- New dwellings - New houses and blocks of flats on the same site constructed at the same time
- Domestic extensions - loft conversions and garages, and extensions to shops and offices
- Other work
All charges are shown with VAT at 20 percent. Only a charge for a Regularisation Certificate is exempt VAT however it is subject to a 20 percent uplift therefore the total fee is equivalent to all other building control charges for corresponding building work.
For more comprehensive advice on certain exemptions for works for disabled persons, supplementary charges, partnership application, and making a payment, please follow the link to the building control fees as shown below.
Building control fees - All fees and charging information download