
We offer pre-application advice for householder development proposals involving extensions and alterations to existing residential houses and flats.

Please note we are unable to offer telephone advice for properties that are in a conservation area/greenbelt or listed buildings. You can however use our written advice service.

If your proposal involves the creation of a new dwelling or flat, use one of our new residential services.

You might find it helpful to review our residential extensions and alterations policy before submitting your development proposal.   


There is a charge for this service. All applications must be made online and will require an online payment using a debit or credit card when you submit your application.

All card types are valid except American Express.

The fees for the planning pre-application advice service are not refundable.

Pre-planning fees for householders


Fee (incl VAT) 

Response Time 


Telephone advice for extensions/alterations to an existing residential property. Please note we are unable to offer telephone advice for properties that are in a conservation area/greenbelt or listed buildings. You can however use our written advice service.


Subject to availability of pre- bookable appointment 

Telephone appointment followed by email summary of discussion 

Written advice for extensions/alterations to existing residential property.


We aim to provide advice within 20 working days of request 

Written advice 

What is not covered by the planning pre-application advice service?

We cannot tell you if a development proposal requires planning permission. Check if your development proposal requires permission on The Planning Portal website.

If you are still unclear whether you need planning permission or not, you could apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness. A Certificate of Lawfulness will give you a binding decision from us.

We do not discuss complaints about previous planning decisions.

We cannot overturn previous planning decisions.


Apply for planning pre-application advice