Non-residential developments and large businesses

We offer pre-application advice for developments and extensions and alterations to non-residential units and businesses up to 1999m2 

If you would like to submit a proposal for a non-residential developments or business that is more than 2000m2, please see the Development Team Service section for information.


There is a charge for this service. All applications must be made online and will require an online payment using a debit or credit card when you submit your application.

All card types are valid except American Express. 

The fees for the planning pre-application advice service are not refundable. 

Pre-planning fees for non residential builds


Fee (incl VAT) 

Response Time 


Non-residential development with a floor space of 100-499m2 (including any change of use of land or buildings)

£743 (£763 from 1 April 2025)

We aim to provide the advice within 20 working days of receipt  

Written advice 

Non-residential development with a floor space of 500 - 999m2 (including any change of use of land or buildings)

£1,910 (£1,962 from 1 April 2025)

We aim to provide the meeting within 20 working days of receipt  

A further 15 working days post-meeting for written meeting notes, unless otherwise agreed   

Up to 1 hour meeting with planning officer, written meeting notes and pre- submission check 

Non-residential development with a floor space of 1000-1999m2 (including any change of use of land or buildings)  

£4,244 (£4,359 from 1 April 2025)

We aim to provide the meeting within 20 working days of receipt 

A further 15 working days post-meeting for written meeting notes, unless otherwise agreed 

Up to 1 hour meeting with planning officer, written meeting notes and pre- submission check 

If you would like to submit a proposal for a non-residential developments or business that is more than 2000m2, please see the Development Team Service section for information.


Apply for planning pre-application advice