Small businesses

We offer pre-application advice for small business development proposals for small scale works to existing business premises, or minor alterations, such as shopfronts, adverts and change of business use up to 99m2.  

If you would like to submit a proposal for a business development that is more than 99m2, please see our non-residential developments and large businesses services section for information.


There is a charge for this service. All applications must be made online and will require an online payment using a debit or credit card when you submit your application.

All card types are valid except American Express. 

The fees for the planning pre-application advice service are not refundable. 

Pre-planning fees for businesses


Fee (incl VAT) 

Response Time 


Telephone advice for minor alterations/extensions to business premises 

£128 (£132 from 1 April 2025)

Subject to availability of pre- bookable appointment 

Telephone appointment followed by email summary of discussion 

Written advice for minor alterations/extensions to business premises 

£213 (£219 from 1 April 2025)

We aim to provide the advice within 20 working days of receipt  

Written advice 

Change of use of non-residential premises 

£382 (£393 from 1 April 2025)

We aim to provide the advice within 20 working days of receipt  

Written advice 

If you would like to submit a proposal for a business development that is more than 99m2, please see our non-residential developments and large businesses services section for information.


Apply for planning pre-application advice