Brownfield Land Register

Through The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 and The Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017, Local Planning Authorities in England are required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of ‘brownfield land’ (previously developed land) as defined in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018)

The Havering Brownfield Land Register (BLR) identifies previously developed sites within Havering that have been assessed as being suitable for housing led development. 

The purpose of the BLR is, firstly, to provide developers a simple means of identifying developable brownfield sites, through a standardised national dataset and secondly, to grant Permission in Principle for residential led development on sites that are entered in part 2 of the register.

Given the purpose of the BLR, it does not include sites with planning permission that were under construction at the time of this publication.

Registers must be prepared in accordance with the regulations and should be kept in two parts: 

Part one

Part one of the register will be for sites categorised as previously developed land which are suitable, available and achievable for residential development.

We include sites in part one if they meet all of the following criteria

  • The land is at least 0.25 hectares, or is capable of providing at least five self-contained homes.
  • The land is suitable for residential or mixed-use development because the concept has been established through planning approvals, adopted site allocations or lapsed planning permissions.
  • The land is available for development because landowners or developers have expressed an interest to sell or develop and there are no issues preventing development.
  • Development is achievable and likely to take place within 15 years.

Sites in part one that do not already have planning permission will need to go through the usual planning application process.

Part two

Part two of the register is optional and would allow sites from Part one to be granted Permission in Principle (PiP) for housing led development.

PiP would establish the fundamental principles of development in terms of the use, location and amount of development. However, planning permission would not be granted until Technical Details Consent is applied for and approved by the Council.

At this stage the Council has not considered sites for inclusion in part two of the register.


The London Borough of Havering BLR and site maps can be viewed using the link below and have been prepared in accordance with the government’s published data standard.

View the Havering Brownfield Land Register

You can also view the BLR mapping information through the Council’s online mapping system Aurora Maps - Select "Planning" and the "Brownfield Land Register (BLR)".

Please note, the site boundaries shown are not definitive and we would advise reference to the original source: planning applications, Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document (2008) and Adopted  Local Plan 2016-2031.

For any enquires regarding the BLR, please contact the Development Planning Team or call 01708 434343.

If you are a landowner, developer or planning applicant of a site published on the BLR, we would be grateful if you would contact us and let us know if any of the information is incorrect or to inform us of new sites to be included in part one.

New sites will only be accepted where they meet the criteria, as set in the regulations.

The BLR will be maintained and reviewed at least once a year.