Waste Planning

As an authority, we have to plan for future waste management in the borough.

In 2012 the Council adopted the Joint Waste Development Plan, which was developed in collaboration with Barking and Dagenham, Newham, and Redbridge.

The purpose of the Joint Waste Plan is to set out a planning strategy for sustainable waste management which enables the adequate provision of waste management facilities (including disposal) in appropriate locations for municipal and commercial and industrial waste, having regard to the London Plan Borough level apportionment and construction, excavation and demolition and hazardous wastes.

The Joint Waste Plan forms part of the planning policy suite of documents for each borough.

A new Joint Waste Plan is needed. The East London Waste Plan Evidence Base (2022) has been produced as the first step towards creating a new Joint Waste Plan.

The Council is currently working with the other East London authorities to move forward a new joint waste development plan.