Havering Character Study

The Havering Character Study provides a character and place-based approach to managing development in the borough.

It is supported by the Characterisation and Growth Strategy London Plan Guidance.

The Character Study helps inform planning policy decisions and is a reference for planning applications in order to support well-designed development.

It supports the preparation of the Council’s new Local Plan.

The Character Study is an important tool for developers and others investing in Havering to ensure proposals respond positively to the local context.

Residents and community groups can use the Character Study to understand the context in which decisions are being made on growth and development and to assist them in responding to planning consultations.

The Character Study report is composed of four chapters and supported by appendices that provide further detail.

The four chapters of the Havering Character Study

Chapter 1

'Assessing Character' provides a summary of the baseline analysis and the borough’s social and built historic evolution, environmental features, urban form, socio-economics, functional character and movement networks.

Detailed information is provided in Appendix 1 Baseline Analysis.

Chapter 2

'Identifying Character' summarises the character of the borough today and identifies specific opportunities and challenges at varying scales.

Appendix 2 Typologies And Places provides the full character definitions.

Chapter 3

'Emerging Character' presents how existing character can inform future change.

It sets out design guidance for future development and explores the scope for medium-high density intensification and tall buildings.

Chapter 4

'Conclusions' summarises the findings of the study and discusses what is next for Havering, in terms of its nature of growth moving forward, outlining the opportunities and challenges at a borough level.

Read the Havering Character Study